Thursday, February 11, 2010

Big Rain

Alert the media - the weather forecasters were correct - rain and resulting slush today. As Dan said, it is "big rain" and Bucharest is apparently flooded. Dan shuttled us over to the clinic in his car today in two shifts although 3 of us walked back to the hotel about 5:15. Raining and once again thank goodness for my polka dot boots in the slush and puddles.  We left earlier than our usual 6 pm departure as we didn't want to walk back in the rain in the dark.

When we arrived at the clinic today, Caroline walked into isolation and Ionuz was lying in his crib covered in blood. She called for the nurses and turns out he was bleeding from his mouth. We think it is because of him clenching his teeth but the exact diagnosis wasn't clear. Not sure if the doctor came in but the nurses gave him lots of attention and apparently had to clean him up several times today. Poor baby.  And poor Caroline, scared her to death.

Turns out Ema Elena is teething so with some oragel she was a happier camper today although mostly needed to be held.  Marius had some kind of "lock" put in his foot today. It wasn't an IV or a port but similar I guess according to the nurses on our team. Marius, Andrei, Lea Celine and Sami are still in isolation.

We sprung Alina from isolation this afternoon and brought her into the playroom. Earlier in the day, Child Protective Services arrived from Vaslui County to check on her. Dan said it was because they get money from the county for her as she has a handicap certificate. They bought several bags with christmas presents for her altho when I peeked in the bags nothing looked terribly developmentally appropriate for her! Still a nice thought.

Sami is still in isolation in his crib all alone.  I took him out and walked him up and down the hall a bit today. His first few steps were quite tentative almost as if he had forgotten how to walk and then he got back into the swing of things.

Gaby actually stood and "walked" with serious assistance for about 4 steps today. That is progress for her. Daniella is standing and hanging on to things. She went into the mobile room today and hung on to the toys on the activity wall for abubwhile. Petre stood with me holding his hands for about 5 minutes. And we tried little Denisa in a bumble chair or whatever they are called (solid blue plastic) and she sat and looked at a mirror for about 5+ minutes. She has better neck and head control than Roxana.

We are skipping dinner in Barlad tonight as who wants to go out in all this rain. Theortetically the wireless is supposed to be working at the hotel  but I couldn't get it to work so we are still plugged in.

Pix from today below!

Gaby won't eat from a spoon so I gave her one to play with

Caroline and Denisa - unusually quiet

Ema is outgrowing her swing!

Nicoletta and Ema

Look at those eyelashes


Roxana after Cristi spit up on her

Hiding behind the toys

Denisa sitting up

Alina on the move

Look, I'm standing!

Gaby checking out a twin

Cristi and Petre


  1. Hi Evan,
    I'm so surprised at how much those darlings have grown in the short while since I was there. Daniela looks like a toddler, Gabriella, Marius, Petre, all so different and even more beautiful! Is Ioan still pretending not to be able to walk?
    Any word on Gabriella's eye surgery?
    How is your Big Andreea doing at home?
    Keep up the good work, and the good postings!
    Mary Beth

  2. Thank you so much Evan! I am thrilled with all the next visit will not be until June, so far away. I am so happy for Gabriela that she is taking steps. The occupational therapist I consulted about her before my 2nd visit last yr explained to me that Gabby will need a lot of support through out her trunk when she first gets up to walk. So whereas with other kids you can just hold their arms up high to help walk, Gabriela may need the support at her middle. Sorry, that will be back breaking for you guys unless you walk on your knees behind her! But just wanted to pass this on. And thank you again for the postings and everything you are doing.wish I could be there sooner to help.
    Lauren Fishbach

  3. Ion is still at the same place with his walking but since he has been in the hospital this past week and we don't know when he will return not sure that he will make any progress while we are here. With gaps in volunteers and the lack of consistency and kids not feeling well I think it makes it extra hard for them to progress.

    No word on Big Andreea so I'm hoping no news is good news.

    No word on Gaby's eye surgery. Caroline thinks they want to wait until she is 3 and of course later is not better. She is doing much better at picking up toys and not just looking at the carpet so that is good.

  4. Thanks for the info, Lauren, on Gaby's need to have her trunk supported. Yes, that will be a bit of a challenge especially for those older folks like me who are less adept at getting up and down off the floor as it is much less being on my knees. Will work on it this week though.

  5. Hi Evan, thanks for the update. I was wondering if they had heard anything about Big Andreea. It sounded like her father really wanted her home so yes, perhaps no news is good news!

    In Romania, they generally do wait until the kids are older for this type of eye surgery. The eye doc we had found in Bucharest trained in the West so does it as soon as possible, like we do. I think there also may have been something with her parents and signing off on surgery but I am not sure as info makes its way here in bits and pieces. I always feel so badly because I am sure it affects everything for her including her balance, etc. WIsh I was there to scoot on the floor behind her but you are right, the 25++ years that I have on Caroline and Rosie would make it difficult to do without wearing knee pads! Enoy the rest of your time with kids! Lauren
