Friday, March 9, 2012

Last day

Today was our last day at the hospital made even harder knowing that there isn't another team until May. Who will pick the babies up out of their cribs? I know Coca loves the children and will do the best she can but she is only one person. The nurses and aides seem to love them as well, but they are busy. Sigh. Gaby welcomed us this morning with her repertoire of babbling, which now includes ba ba and ma ma. Reni has done such a great job helping Gabi learn to bite and chew. Although that mash does stick to the roof of her mouth. She is quite fond of chocolate as are the others who can eat it. That's my girl. Right before our lunch, while Gaby was eating her rice and whatever else was in it, in walked a "rough" looking couple. Lo and behold they were Gaby's parents. What a shock. They are both darker skinned but Dan thinks only the mother may be part Gypsy. The father has blue eyes. The mother is quite short. Both have that look of people who are outside a lot and don't have running water (true). We know from when Dan took Gaby home last year that their living conditions are pretty basic. I also think there is an alcohol problem. Gaby's twin Mihaela and two older sisters are in foster homes. The parents told Dan they didn't even know where Mihaela is. I'm sure their lives are difficult but god willing the children will never go back to them. It is hard to read anything into to a short visit. Gaby seemed more comfortable with the father than the mother. They did pick her up. Dan thinks the father always wanted the girls more than the mother. As I took Gaby for our last walk down the hall way I told her I was sorry that we hadn't made a run for it that last day at Tutova. We kept joking about doing that the last day and it may have saved her some not so good times. I was tempted to do it today but it helps knowing she is safe and getting good care, although not perhaps the extra help to aid in her development. The other children did pretty well today although Alina had a few time outs for hair pulling etc. Overall, she is much better with that kind of thing though. It is so nice that Delia is feeling better. She even put up with some tummy time today. Cleo didn't want one of her bottles but ate some yogurt instead. As usual I get more on her than in her. Got a few smiles from Ionut. Some people have asked about former Tutova children. We think Paula is still in foster care but not sure. Petre's first foster home didn't work out and he is in another one. As for the others I guess no news is good news. Today Reni gave a presentation on feeding to the staff. The nurses asked lots of questions and we think it was well received. Hopefully more children will be fed in an upright position and able to sit up,or be propped up after feeding. Some people have asked about donations. They use disposable diapers at the hospital so rubber pants or diaper pins aren't as needed. Socks are good! They have a fair number of clothes. I brought children's Advil and those battery operated ear thermometers (and covers) at Mihaelas request. Reni is thinking of raising funds for a chair that they can use to ell with feeding. There is one chair but it is too big for some children. Will keep you posted on that. We had our dinner out tonite at Da Vinci. We walked in to find Mihaelas mother there with a gentlemen friend, unbeknownst to Mihalea! Kind of funny. And good to see someone dating after 70! I used my usual coping mechanism for feeling sad and ate chocolate cake. We are off to Bucharest tomorrow. I fly to Barcelona on Sunday. Will probably just post on Facebook as I can't seem to get blogger to work that well on my iPad. Think good thoughts for the children. And spread the word that they need volunteers!

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