Friday, March 18, 2016

Luciana welcomed us enthusiastically on our last day here with hugs and dumping the toys out of the bins.  It was done with such reckless abandon that you couldn't be mad at her.  She conti us to take very good care of her baby doll, changing clothes, diaper and putting it in and out of the crib.  Of course this involved us helping her lift the sides of the crib up and down and up and down.  Like Goldilocks, the doll tries many cribs.  There is one crib that wasn't  used because a piece of wood to rest the crib side on is missing. Luciana promptly got a small chair to put under it.  She is quite resourceful.  She also is such a helper.  She fed Lavinia a poofelet and clapped "Bravo"when Lavinia (sort of) ate it.  She also fetched the trash bin for the dirty diapers.  Yesterday, she was pretending to wash the hallway tile walls after seeing the aides do it. 

Speaking of washing walls, there was supposed to be an inspection all week. One day we were somewhat trapped inside the playroom.  I'm not sure if the inspection really happened. 

This is the first time I've been on a team where we could use the new big playroom.  It is great to have so much space. Two mornings a week, the big room is used for patient evaluations and we use the bedrooms like we used to.  I wonder how we ever did it! 

Marian continued to enjoy his time with Ken. I played stand in and let him pull my hair while Kem walked another child in the hall.  This as pretty easy duty as I was laying in the floor holding Elvis and talking to Maria at the same time.  

Maria actually stands in the little walker and walks around in it. She starts out sitting and then almost doesn't seem to realize she is walking.  She loves being tickled. 

Ilinca still isn't feeling well and has these sores around her mouth, possibly from the fever.  She ate a bit better today but still not great and her fever went back up this afternoon. She did do a big of assisted walking and licked any toy within reach. Of course, we then did our best to use wipes to disinfect whatever she had been licking.  

We were very sad when Liviu and Marian left before lunch time. Delia was being taken back to the placement center from the second floor and I guess they decided to take two more. Laura and Lisa were downstairs seeing Delia when this happened and someone rushed down to get them so they could say good bye.  Ken blocked the exit door with the stroller to make sure the children didn't leave until all the good byes were said.  Tears flowed and the kids didn't look too happy either.  

At lunchtime, Laura bought a baby doll that speaks Romanian that she thought Luciana would like. (Her baby doll's head is about to fall off.) Luciana actually was a bit scared when the doll started to talk! Turns out the doll was a HUGE hit with Lavinia. She laughed, kissed it and pulled herself on the floor using her arms when the doll was out slightly out of reach.  I'm sure many other children will enjoy this thoughtful purchase. 

There was the usual angst about what happens when the volunteers aren't there.  It seems like this set of kids might be going back to the placement center and another group arriving for the next team. At least there is a team of 4 experienced volunteers right behind us.  I think three are from Australia and one from England. Then there is a break of two weeks and another team later in April. I'm not sure if there are any teams scheduled after that.  So if you can, sign up! I hear the sunflowers are beautiful during the summer! 

We went to Allona restaurant for a lovely good bye dinner that included a bottle of wine for three of us to drown our sorrows.  Allona, formerly dubbed by Jane Patten as the "creepy doll restaurant" is in a new location just behind the hotel. It is much lighter and brighter than the old restaurant and while there are still dolls they are placed a bit more discreetly. The new smoking ban is in effect no we had to laugh as we ran the gauntlet of smokers coming in and out of the restaurant.  

Trip #12 to Romania is done for me. We drive to Bucharest tomorrow and I fly home on Sunday. As usual, it as wonderful to see some children I know and to fall in love with some that I didn't know. Mihaela, Dan, Coca and Dorel are friends, not just "staff."  We even get some smiles from nurses and aides who recognize repeat volunteers.  

Pa and La Revedere from Romania.  (Yes, I'm writing this at 3 am.  Woke up and couldn't get back to sleep. I wonder why?!)

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