Sunday, February 7, 2010

Internet still down

The internet is still down so I'm doing a quick post from the clinic as we came over to work this Sunday morning. It is cold and snowing and the walk to and from the clinic can be a bit treacherous. Most of us have fallen at least once including me but at least I only injured my pride!

A number of the babies are sick. Right now, Lea Celine, Alina, Andrei and Daniela are in a room in isolation much to their distress. I put Andrei and Daniela in walkers in the room with the door closed and that seemed to help with them. I made the mistake of picking up Lea Celine and she pitched a fit when I put her down.

Ion went to the hospital day before yesterday. The nurses on our team think he has croup - kind of a barking cough and fever.  Ionuz is in the hospital as well.

There are several new babies. Daria Roxana left this week for her first cleft palate surgery. The other new babies are another Roxana and Denisa who are both about 3-4 months old. Not sure of diagnosis. There is also a new baby named Victor who is in isolation who has some kind of brain abnormality.

The others are about the same. Petre seems to have grown and is much more active - not quite sitting on his own yet. Daniela can stand and likes to try to walk. Andrea is walking but Ion and Andrei are not quite there yet. Sami is happy to be home. Ema is about the same but at least I've gotten her to smile with raspberry kisses on her cheeks and the ever successful lifting her arm.

Gabriela seems less interested in the floor and slippers and more interested in toys. Also more affectionate and willing to be held. Her sister Mihaela is still climbing everything in sight.

More info and pix when possible.

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