Sunday, April 17, 2011


I've arrived home safely.  Yesterday (was it only yesterday?), Dorel drove Dan, Cathy and I to Bucharest. Cathy and I had to laugh as it was sunny when we left Tutova but cloudy by the time we got to Bucharest. We are jinxes for bad weather I guess.

Spent yesterday afternoon and last night at a hotel by the airport. I thought about going into the city but I was just too tired and still somewhat overwhelmed by the events of the past 3 weeks. So I watched movies on my computer and read and finished typing up the team journal and got it out to everyone on the team.

Usually I'm quite anxious upon my return to make a photo book of my pictures from the trip. I think this time looking at those little faces will be a lot sadder. There is always concern about the childrens' future but I think this time it is even more worrisome. 

I'm not certain if I will go back to Romania to volunteer or not. The volunteer opportunities are changing and I might like to try a new program in a new location.  Although if Gaby surfaced somewhere I'd be back there in a minute! Will wait and see.

Thanks to everyone who emailed me with your support throughout these difficult weeks. 

1 comment:

  1. Evan, thank you so much for your beautiful blog. I was following everyday and so grateful for your updates and lovely photos of the children I miss so very much. I've thought about them everyday. I know it's not easy and so exhausting to blog everyday, especially on such an emotional trip as this one, but I just wanted to tell you that I was so grateful for your updates. I hope you get some rest and enjoy being home. Thank you so much again, Yoko
