Monday, April 4, 2011

Pa to Alexandra

Much to our surprise, Alexandra's mother and a young man arrived to take her home this morning. Mihaela had left for a meeting with CPS in Vaslui so we didn't have her there to fill us in on what was going on. Some of you know that Alexandra has gone home before and her family has brought her back to the clinic. Now what will happen when the clinic isn't here and they can't care for her? Alexandra has been quite withdrawn since her last trip home. When I leaned in to give her a kiss good bye she didn't pull back and almost put her arm around my neck. Caroline had a similar experience. I may be misinterpreting this but I suspect she didn't want to go home. Caroline and the aides quickly packed up a bag of clothes and a few toys for her. Caroline put a magazine in the bottom even tho Alexandra hasn't been looking at magazines and books the way she used to.

Celine left early this morning before we arrived. We understand Dr. Delia will suggest to Celine's mother that she go with Celine to the hospital for a week when her testing is finished before taking Celine home but that will be up to the mother. Andreea was knocking on the door to the mobile room looking for Celine this morning.

Ramona, the social worker, was back today. We thought she had already had her last day but maybe she is there to help get the children discharged. We heard there was some kind of meeting with Dr. Delia so there were fewer aides for part of the morning meaning the 12 noon bottles were delayed until about 12:30 and the children ate in their cribs. Jane and I fed Ion, Petre and Andreea cottage cheese we had brought and tried unsuccessfully to get them down for their naps.

Later in the afternoon we had a dance party in the mobile room with the 4 of us volunteers, the twins, Gaby,, Cristi, and Alina. Cristi was dressed in a penguin outfit Jane had brought him and looked quite dapper. He is doing so well with his walking practice unlike Gaby who wasn't too enthused about it today. The staff seem to no longer be in their routine of putting shoes on her and having her practice each day so I've been trying to do it but can only do so when someone can be in with the mobiles for me.

At dinner tonight Mihaela asked us how we were doing with our goals. "Staying present" is the hardest but probably one of the most important right now. I'm definitely less focused on learning more Romanian this trip. One individual goal was to laugh every day and the good news is that we are definitely doing that. If nothing else, the kids can make us laugh. The twins keep making faces in the mirror and are babbling and just a riot. And of course Alina is always good for a laugh.

Mihaela and Dan's daughter, Delia, joined us for dinner. She is almost 8 years old and nearly as tall as me, but not quite.  She did quite well speaking some English with us.

Enjoy the pictures!

Cathy and Andreea
Jane and Cristi

Caroline and Alina

Evan and Gabita

Gaby standing!

Cristi Daniel thought it was very funny when I danced and clapped my hands

Ionut in big boy clothes

Marius is fascinated by the camera, not me


Daria leaves for the hospital tomorrow for her 2nd surgery

Andreea and Roxana

Gaby and her beloved pink ball


Trying to escape



They were fascinated watching black smoke from the maintenance room

I think this is Maria Alexandra
Andreea and Ion

Jane and I had lost control by this point

Jane feeding the dogs


Cathy and Roxana




I make sure no one steals her  pink ball that Jane has repaired with duct tape
Alexandra and her mother and unknown young man

I had bulgarian salad for dinner: cucumbers, tomatoes, red peppers, cheese, hard boiled egg and olives with a carrot flower garnish

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