Sunday, September 19, 2010


I haven't taken many pictures at the clinic this weekend so I will post pictures tomorrow. Sometime between my Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning visits, many of the mobiles got hair cuts. Be prepared to see Ion without his curls. I can understand that it is easier to wash hair if it is shorter. I'm really hoping they don't cut Andreea and Roxana's hair as that is one of the main ways I can tell them apart right now!

You won't see a picture of one of the more amusing of today's work at the clinic. When the aides were changing diapers at noon time, they had all the mobiles lined up in the cribs in the room where Cristi, Marius, Daniela, etc. sleep. They asked me to stay in there with them while they went to change other diapers. So Marius was banging other children's heads on the side of the crib and Ion got hit by someone and Mihaela of course was trying to climb out so I tried a diversionary tactic. This involved me singing a medley of children's hits such as the wheels on the bus and dancing around to get their attention. I admit it was a success as they
were mesmerized by this dancing and singing fool. I even got "bravos" from Andreea and Mihaela. So clearly the fact that I sing off key didn't matter to this audience.

I've been reading for the last 5+ hours and my vision is blurry even with my glasses so I better give my eyes a rest. I've read 5 books so far on my kindle. Steve gave me a non-fiction book called "Dracula is Dead." It is written by a former US Ambassador to Romania and his journalist wife. It is mostly anecdotal and is organized around their travels and time in Romania so a bit haphazard. Still very interesting and worth a read to anyone interested in post-Communist Romania and some history thrown in. For future volunteers, I will put in the cupboard where all the books are at the clinic when I am done with it.

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